About Us
3D printing makes it possible to create and develop our future. Many years of experience working with top-class equipment allows us to provide the customer with the best results at a favorable price.
We specialize in creating accurate models with a complex structure. Our prototypes have no visible 3D printing layers, are characterized by extremely accurate dimensional reproduction and provide a very high representation of a computer 3D model.

Best 3D Printers in Azerbaijan
As 3D manufacturing becomes more and more accessible, we provide industrial solutions for the entire 3D process, from prototyping to printing.
Why we are the best
This is not just a statement. We know this for sure from the words of those who came to us with the most incredible or banal tasks. And not only fast 3D printing, services, prices have become decisive, although we have made these aspects competitively capable, the main thing is that we understand your tasks and the associated complexities and nuances that are almost never known to the customer.
We consult, talk about your brainchild around the clock and year-round. Together we go to the perfect result.
We always meet deadlines. We really look at things and have serious resources to keep our word, and we definitely keep the customer informed about the implementation of each stage.
3d printing makes it possible to create and develop our future. Many years of experience working with top-class equipment allows us to provide the customer with the best results at a favorable price. We specialize in creating accurate models with a complex structure. Our prototypes have no visible 3d printing layers, are characterized by extremely accurate dimensional reproduction and provide a very high representation of a computer 3d model.
Ready to order your first 3D printer ? Visit our catalog.
PROS: It has better flexibility, heat resistance and is easy to process.
CONS: has shrinkage, less interlayer adhesion (may crack). May emit an unpleasant odor when printed. Shrinkage makes it difficult to print large parts.
PROS: It has great strength, hardness. Virtually no shrinkage, easy to print. Eco-friendly, does not emit unpleasant odors when printing.
CONS: low heat resistance. Difficult to process due to hardness.
How to paint printed products?
Acrylic paints can be used for painting finished products. They can be purchased in the form of cylinders in construction and auto stores. And in the form of paint sets for drawing in art salons.
Nitro paints can not be used – they damage the plastic.
Alkyd paints cannot be used either – they do not stick to the surface of plastic parts.
Is there a difference, and what to choose?
There is no difference when printing.
If the printer is equipped with a Bowden extruder (this is when the feed motor is located on the printer body), then the use of 2.85 (3.00) mm plastic allows the use (with the necessary settings) of rubber-like types of plastic.
For 3D printers equipped with a Direct extruder (the vast majority of them), there is no difference between the plastics used.
95% of all 3D printers are built for use with 1.75mm filament. Therefore, new types of materials are produced primarily with a diameter of 1.75 mm. Filament, 2.85 mm in diameter, is produced, usually after a while.
That’s all the features.
For decorative details, the percentage of filling is 10-25%.
For functional 30-50%.
Here, the well-known boat, 60 mm long.
The weight of the printed model, when filled with 20% – 12.5g. That is, from one kilogram of plastic, you can print 80 such boats.
We believe 3D printers should be accessible and affordable to all instead of being rocket science and beyond budget. And each one of us deserves the freedom to make our ideas, creativity and imagination a reality.
ANYCUBIC 3D printers are gaining more and more recognition worldwide and sales of our equipment show an increase of more than 100% year-on-year. Since the 3D printing market is new and dynamic, ANYCUBIC has always been customer-oriented and listened to users. Constant improvements and innovations have been made thanks to customer feedback and suggestions.